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The Steppe FM project is as much an adventure trip through Central Asia as a technical challenge, both in terms of its environmental dimension and its difficulty.

The ecological objective is to support and invest in already existing projects in communities in search of food sovereignty, with the help of the association Les Vents de la Récolte. For this, depending on the season and the projects themselves, we will work on sustainable agriculture and the development of Low-Tech to recover or treat water, for example.


More than 10,000 km to be covered on horseback or by bicycle through all kinds of regions ranging from the most extreme climates such as tundras and steppes to the arid desert of northern Uzbekistan, passing through the Pamir massif to more than 4000 meters above sea level. It is also a journey to discover more hospitable places like the legendary cities of the Silk Road, the populated shores of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and the green and welcoming pastures of the Eight Lakes region.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The Steppe FM project aims to be shared, whether it is to follow the progress of the caravan, to discover countries as yet little explored, to listen to the adventures and other funny stories told in podcasts, or to follow the realization. of the expedition


To know more :

Download the complete PDF file of the Steppe FM expedition

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